Our Ethos

Plastic is all around us. It is useful and also destructive. However, we can make choices about how and where we use it or if an alternative material is available and about what we do to increase its use and/or ultimately how we can dispose of it wisely. TAP encourages everone to Think About Plastic.


Plastic: Dispose Wisely for a Cleaner Future

Since acheiving Scotlands first 'plastic-free' accredidation in 2019:

We have...

  • Developed an accrediation system to highlight businesses and organisations who are making significant efforts to reduce to the plastic they use. Certificates and 'badges' celebrate these achievements and show patrons that they are using a environmentally responsible business.

  • Developed a database (now in it's 6th consecutive year) of scientifically collected data about the type and distribution of marine litter found on the 13 beaches around Arran's coastline. The methodolgy was developed by the Marine Conservation Society and is used by the UK government to inform policy making.

  • Operate a beach cleaning equipment lending scheme, aswell as a glass borrowing scheme with the aim of reducing single use drinking vessels at events on the island.

  • Responded to relevant Scottish government consultations on draft legislation and assisted other organisations with their responses.

  • Shared our findings and practices with our partners and other communities in supporting them reduce plastic waste. This includes other Scottish Islands and Jeju Island in South Korea.

The think about plastic team.

  • Helen How - Chair

  • Timothy Billings - Secretary

  • Hilary Maguire - Treasurer

  • Jess Wallace - Eco Savvy Rep

  • Aidan Watkins - COAST Rep & Website Design

Feel free to get in touch: info@thinkaboutplastic.com

Let's Think About NO Plastic...

Here are some simple steps to better horizon. A step towards you becoming plastic free!
  • Remember your refillable water bottle

  • Take a reusable coffee cup and refuse single-use take away cups

  • Refuse single-use packaging

  • Resist a straw; straws suck

  • Refuse a single-use plastic bag and take your own

  • Instead of plastic cutlery, take your own cutlery or use sustainable alternatives

  • Avoid single-use plastics in the bathroom

  • Refuse single-use condiment sachets

  • Do your own mini beach clean and grab a handful of plastic pollution every time you visit your beach.